Feb 23, 2019
Episode starts around the 28 min mark after a lengthy semi spoiler-ey talk about the Resident Evil 2 Remake and one potentially off putting detail about Kingdom Hearts 3.
Rich and Jake ride shotgun with the super stylish crew of Final Fantasy XV as they continue their road trip and screwing across across the countryside. Lots of bumbling about, some relatively boring side quests, a huge letdown after cliffhanger, Ardyn still being a huuuuuge douche, reoccurring non-sequiturs featuring the musician Sting, the arrival of another suspiciously dressed spear wielding lady, and a lengthy ride with everyone favorite crush (and a certain muscle boi's sister) aaaaand more await on the latest power pop smash single we caaaaalll Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmnnn Chooooooocooooooooooobooooooooo!!!
Intro: Somnus - Classical Guitar Cover by Beyond the Guitar
Outro: Desert Rose by Sting