May 3, 2017
NOTE: FF8 talk begins around the 28 Minute Mark.
After a lengthy discussion about Jake's glorious acquisition of
a PS4 and his fresh opinions of the current generation game system,
the boys rejoin team SEED as Squall and crew try and solve their
Ellone problem. Continued debating how how on earth something as
big as the Garden could crash into a city without anyone seeing it
coming, Rinoa continuing being a pretty chill lady, some mostly
pointless wandering, some continued picking on Zell (poor Zell) and
a ridiculous memory related plot twist that could have EASILY been
removed without effecting the plot too much await on the latest
episode of the Mighty Morphin Damn Chocoboooooooos. (GO GO
CHOCO-BOH-OOHHHHHS!!! Whoah oh oh oh oh!)
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Music for this episode - Intro: Garden Rock Anthem (Movin') by
Materia Collective
Outro: Show Yourself by Mastodon